About Us
The International Black Summit is:
A Conversation that is being given, by Life, to the world through people of Black African Descent. The Conversation finds its expression in the Declaration of the International Black Summit.
What is available through the Summit?
An Event that takes place during the first weekend in August each year, attended by people of Black African Descent who are committed to the unfoldment of the Declaration in their lives.
A Gathering of people of Black African Descent from diverse backgrounds, countries, lifestyles, opinions and views who come together to celebrate and empower the vision of the Declaration.
An Exploration of Questions and Issues which empower participants to realize their vision for the Black community and the world.
A Place to Clear yourself so as to be able to hear what life is telling you.
Acknowledgement, Praise and Celebration of who we are as a people and the contribution we are to the world.
A Global Shift in the Conversation about who people of Black African Descent are in the world.
Our Purposes
The Purpose of The International Black Summit
To provide an opportunity for participants to bring into being their vision for the black community and the world.
The Purpose of the International Black Young Adult Summit
The purpose of the International Black Young Adult Summit is to provide an opportunity for participants ages 18 to 35, a space for reflection, communication, mentorship and growth, through vision creation and implementation. This conversation empowers young adults to powerfully transition to adulthood equipped for global success.
The Purpose of the International Black Youth Summit
The International Black youth summit exists to facilitate the self-expression, empowerment and transformation of young people of African descent. We are young people making our visions real in our communities by exemplifying the principles of youth, empowerment, transformation, and love … as a powerful approach to the universe.
Our Organization
The International Black Summit, Inc. is a 501c3, 100% volunteer-led organization founded by, attended by and delivered to people of black African descent committed to empowering and transforming the lives of people of black African descent around the world. Since 1991, we have held annual events on 4 continents, in 11 countries and 27 cities.