Join Our Free  Webinar and Learn About...
How To Have Your Dream Community Without Arguing And Fighting With Each Other...
Join us LIVE online Saturday - June 5th at 1:00pm (Eastern) for a powerful 90-minute experience that will give you access to how to shift your community and your life!
This webinar is presented by the Community and Regional Events Team (C.A.R.E.) of The International Black Summit, Inc. A 501c3 non-profit organization, established in 1991, which provides transformational events throughout the world.
Here Are The 3 Areas That We Are Going To Cover During The Webinar!
AREA #1:
"Discover how to have the community of your dreams."
AREA #2:
"Tried and True Tools that impact the quality of life in your community."
AREA #3:
"Experience a shift in how you perceive yourself and your community."
Comments from a Webinar participant . . .
I discovered that I had community hooked up a certain way that did not allow for partnership inside of community. I was approaching it from my own perspective ie... complaints... what I saw to correct inside of my complaints was I had a fantasy that I was going to be Mighty Mouse singing "Here I Come to Save the Day!”

The thing I didn’t consider is that my community didn’t know I existed. My community didn’t know I was someone wanting to be a contribution and make a difference. I didn’t bother to ask my community what it saw that it needed for its growth, development and expansion. Nor did I inquire if my vision aligned with my community’s vision for itself. My vision lived in a bubble in my head.

I discovered that something I lived my life from, so I thought, wasn’t even engaged in by me to the degree I spoke of and thought I had been doing. The idea was an ideal also living in my head. It sounded good. Even resonated with my Spirit, yet I had not given it the effort to fully grasp its full meaning. I hadn’t practiced its tenets substantively in my conversation about me as leader.... until I participated in the Power Of community Transformation. And that was my favorite quote...

“Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. But with the best
leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say 'We have done this ourselves."" Lao Tzu.

I didn’t do any of that. And, how could I even begin to do any of that without introducing myself. For me that quote, is fully the power and the essence of the International Black Summit’s Power Of Community Transformation. This course shows what is possible from beginning to end and beyond.

I discovered I had to show up with honor and respect for what my community (people) have already done. What they are doing. Where they are.  And share with them from what I see, what I’ve learned and where I see myself fitting in. And see if they see the contribution that I am in partnership inside of my community. 

There is an embrace that occurs in community that allows flourishing when one steps into it fully without knowing and with love.
P. Gowie -  Facilitator
This is where the testimonials will go after we get them.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id orci in ex vulputate fermentum. Vivamus sit amet nisl id nisl feugiat condimentum sit amet eu urna. 

Nunc nunc quam, eleifend ac scelerisque at, vulputate et magna. Nullam cursus semper"
J. Simpson - Raleigh, NC
This is where the testimonials will go after we get them.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id orci in ex vulputate fermentum. Vivamus sit amet nisl id nisl feugiat condimentum sit amet eu urna. 

Nunc nunc quam, eleifend ac scelerisque at, vulputate et magna. Nullam cursus semper"
R. Lancaster - Washington, DC
The International Black Summit, Inc.
Copyright © 1991 - 2021. All Rights Reserved. 
Presented by the IBS C.A.R.E. Team and  Powered